Start From:   

Inquire Price

  • Completion Date: Okt 31, 2026
  • Dubai, Wadi Al Safa 5

Typ: Apartment
Ontwikkelaar: Imtiaz Development
Preis: Inquire Price

Imtiaz Developments wurde 1993 mit der Überzeugung gegründet, dass die Zukunft von Immobilien nicht nur im Bau von Räumen liegt, sondern in der Schaffung immersiver Erlebnisse, die Gemeinschaften inspirieren, verändern und integrieren. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Philosophie steht das unerschütterliche Engagement, unseren Kunden und Stakeholdern dauerhaften Mehrwert zu bieten.

Wir streben nach dem Außergewöhnlichen und unsere Mission ist es, die Immobilienbranche zu revolutionieren, indem wir neue Maßstäbe für Design, Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit setzen. Wir werden von einem unermüdlichen Streben nach Innovation und Exzellenz angetrieben. Indem wir die Grenzen des Möglichen erweitern, gestalten wir die Zukunft der Immobilien projektweise neu

Ausstattungen und Merkmale
  • Rooftop Swimming Pools
  • Rooftop Lounges
  • Cabanas
  • Fully Equipped Gym
  • Privatel Pool
  • Kids Swimming Pool
  • Club room
  • BBQ area
General Plan
Unit Structures
Typical unit
AED0.00 - AED0.00
sqft NAN - NAN
Typical unit
1 Bedrooms
AED0.00 - AED0.00
sqft NAN - NAN
Typical unit
2 Bedrooms
AED0.00 - AED0.00
sqft NAN - NAN
Payment Plans
Payment Plan
  • 30% Payment - On booking
  • 20% Payment - During construction
  • 50% Payment - Upon Handover
3 Years Post Handover Payment Plan
  • 20% Payment - On booking
  • 35% Payment - During construction
  • 15% Payment - Upon Handover
  • 30% Payment - 2.5% quarterly during 36 months PH

Imtiaz Development

Over the last decades, the Asian and Middle Eastern economies have encountered various exhilarating and challenging phases with tremendous growth. We at Imtiaz Developments are proud to be a part of this magnifying business environment since 1993 and are determined to sustain our contribution towards the emerging markets and developing economies. Imtiaz Developments is strategically positioned to benefit from exciting global economic transitions.

The fundamental pillars of our rich history of accomplishments remains in our experienced, professional and highly motivated team who strive to harness their diverse synergies in their fields. We work hard to push the human boundaries with innovation and superior quality services. The preliminary goal of our dynamic workforce is to embark on a strategic mission to efficiently meet the requirements of our clients, to empower them to achieve their business and financial goals.

Our customer centric approach ensures that we build strong relationships with our partners and clients. We strive to understand their needs and deliver quality projects, on time and within the budget. We passionately believe that we offer a genuine point of difference from our competitors, whom have contributed enormously to our growth and success as an organization.

We continuously refine our strategies to remain the world’s most valuable, most innovative and most admired company. Our ambition is to be an unstoppable organization that creates enormous value for our clients, our team, and our environment.

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